Day 14
Anyone who knows me personally, knows that I have never been the type to keep friends. Not because I am a bad friend or because I have befriended bad individuals, but simply because I learned from a young age how to work well alone. Over the years I haven't called too many people "friend" because I was taught at a young age that your best friend today could be your worst enemy tomorrow. Not to mention how loosely the term "friend" has been used amongst individuals over the years. However, despite my up brining and personal experiences what I have learned is that we encounter the very people God predestined us to meet; long before we knew it would happen. These are the people that I call the "helping hands."
I have learned that in life we all come across people that may be with us for a season or a lifetime, but in essence no matter how long they are with us they are there to serve a purpose. To teach us a valuable life lesson. So, with that said as I've matured and evolved I've learned that not everyone is meant to be part of your life forever, but it is important that you don't miss the valuable lesson they've been sent to teach you.
Throughout my life I have had a number of helping hands that I have encounter and few that I have called friends, but when I finally evaluated the term "friend" and looked at it from a spiritual point of view I learned the true definition of friendship and found that friends do exist and not everyone that hurts you should be dismissed. It may be that the lesson they have been sent to teach you is how to endure through hurt and mend the hurt in order to move on. As a result, your ability to learn from that particular experience prepares you for future experiences.
Helping hands as I like to call them are individuals who are willing to accept you as you are( because they understand that only God can transform you), love you unconditionally (because the love of Christ that exist within them wouldn't allow anything less), encourage you to be better in life, and plant seeds in you that will help to cultivate you into the very person that Christ desires you to be. They are the positive forces that God plants around us in order to help us reach to higher heights so that we may serve out God's perfect plan and purpose in spirit and in truth. They are the ones who will refuse to stand around and watch you as you fall without first trying to prevent that fall to begin with. Those to me are my helping hands.
I had a recent incident that occurred in which someone saw something that could have affected my walk with Christ or even my ministry, but said nothing. At first my spirit was affected by it but as I sought God's face in prayer for understanding of the matter He made it very clear to me, that should you see your brother or sister placing themselves in harms way it is our duty to speak on it. People who possess hands to help others would never sit on the sideline and watch someone slip into something that could potentially cause harm. Doing so would make that individual equally as guilty. So, with that said I encourage everyone that reads this to develop hands that seek to help others even if it's for a season. Helping others is only as effective as the hearts of the (wo)man that desire to lend a helping hand. So, be sure to help someone, you never know it may be that helping hand to save their life.
Keep Me Humble in Your Presence.
Amen! So very true. ..