Trust. How do people define it? Often time people say you can lose a person's trust faster than you can gain it. However, for me trust isn't found in a single person. Trust for me is holding on to a strong faith in God. My trust in God is backed up with complete knowledge and understanding that with God anything is possible, even those things which seem impossible and out of reach. I've learned to trust God because after trying to do things my way and always failing has taught me that if I knew it all and had all the answers; what purpose would God serve in my life? I'm in a season in my life where I have learned to completely float with God instead of floating by myself knowing very well I don't know how to swim. (Seriously, I don't know how to swim) In order to fully trust God there were some things I needed to learn how to do faithfully. I needed to pray more ( I mean really pray, tears, snot and crying from my belly type of pray). I needed to read more because the Bible isn't our life instruction for no reason. Finally, I had to cut off a lot of people and things that were hindering my spirit, and clouding my mind about how much trust I should put in God. So, I guard my heart and spirit from the spoiled seeds that people and things try to plant. After all The Bible doesn't tell us to guard our hearts for no reason.
20 words....
My spirit knew you before I knew you. Now, I know you and I remain patient for you to awake. Genesis 2:18-23
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