Sunday, February 2, 2014


Day 15

Sometimes the busyness of life can consume and overwhelm us. It has the ability to take away precious and valuable time that we can never get back. Recently, I found myself allowing life to overly consumer me with thoughts of work, career advancements and change and other life planning's. In those moments I realize there was a disconnect slowly being created between myself and God. My prayers were becoming shorter and my time in the word was becoming shorter as well. I then began to deal with worry, stress and a feeling of anxiousness. However, in that very moment when I realized these things being planted in my life I had to take a moment and get on my knees and really seek the face of God for redirection and repositioning. It is so important to take quality time out with God to seek His face on a daily basis. When we begin to lack quality in the time spent with God it will affect our lives in so many different areas. When we begin to place our faith in doctors to heal us, or our jobs to pay us, or our supervisors to validate us, our faith has ultimately been displaced.  It is important and wise to place our faith in God and to build upon a rock so that our foundations in life are always stable and strong.

They say that when an individual is stressed or angry their true colors will shine; however, I understand that in order to avoid colors that are inconsistent with the life I have chosen to live for Christ, makes it important to place my trust in God. My desire is that my true colors will
be consistent, full of peace and a direct reflection of Christ.  Therefore, in order to ensure that this consistency exist it is important that I take time  daily to spend with God. It is important that I spend time in His house and amongst other believers. Finally, on a daily basis my trust, faith and peace should and can always be found in Him if I remember where my focus lies.

Christ Beneath Me. He is my Rock.  Keep me humble in your presence.

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